What We're All About... If you're not already a part of a liberated fellowship and are wondering what we're all about what we do, here is a bit of information for you! We're basically about loving each other and the world around us without harsh judgment or hate. Even though we are open to everyone who is of age and shares in our beliefs, we are a private organization and open to members and invited guests only.  Our worship times are very laid-back, non-denominational, and consist of:

A Fellowship Time:  During this time, members and guests hang out together, listen to music, swim, play volleyball or basketball and generally enjoy each other's company.

A Praise/Worship Time: A time of awesome music with a small band.  Anyone who plays an instrument is encouraged to be part of the band.

A Motivational/Inspirational Time
:  Members who are comfortable with leading a discussion take turns leading this time.  We usually discuss a non-threatening, motivational topic with the purpose of helping us all to be better people and to contribute more to the world around us.  There is no "preaching" in liberated Christian churches.A

Prayer/Meditation Time
:  We pray together for each other and the world around us.  Studies have proven that regular prayer/meditation time can help to lower blood pressure and contribute to better over-all health.Intimate Time:  The element of worship that raises the most eyebrows when it comes to outsiders is the intimate time.   For more information about the intimate time, please
click here.  This link is sexually suggestive.  If you may be offended, please click here instead.

Financial Information:  From a financial perspective, we are an organization owned by our members. We are NOT a tax-exempt organization.   In order to meet our financial obligations, we ask for the following dues from our members:

Singles - $25.00 per week
Couples - $45.00 per week